ROBLOX Expedition Wiki

This page is to list any current, retired, or inactive admins and/or moderators on Expedition.

If there are any new admins or mods, add them to this list. If any are inactive or have retired, please state so in the list as well.

This is all according to how often they are in the game and what their rank is in the group.

Note: Retired simply means not actually a Mod/Admin anymore but could return to this at any point, mostly for those looking to contact staff know who's actually Active, Semi-Active, In-Active and Retired.

Status Legend
Status Description
Active Official staff.  Self-explanatory. Online constantly.
Semi-active Official staff.  Self-explanatory.  Online seldomly.
Inactive Official staff.  Self-explanatory. Online rarely.
Trial In-training staff member that is not yet official.
Retired Staff member that have been removed from their position, usually due to resignation or inactivity.
Hiatus On break. Self-explanatory.

All Staff are to abide by the Rules of Admin, failure to do so should be reported to EB8699.

Admins & Mods Status Rank
Lord Wheatlies Inactive Game Creator
DevAdrian Inactive Game Co-Creator
EB8699 Active Head-Administrator


Antskeptic Retired Adminstrator
Sean_MorabitoYT Active Administrator
an_droider Active Administrator
PaulWolfe Retired Ex-Administrator


HighAdmiral Retired Administrator
HighDefility Retired Moderator
chiefchurch911 Retired Moderator
BaconNeggs321 Retired Moderator
Vorynd Retired Moderator
strelka Retired Administrator
RebelliousSpirit/Dycoran Retired Administrator
FileXX44 Retired Moderator
LoneCourier Active Moderator
Animorphs30 Retired Moderator
CANman1012 Active Moderator

Legacy Developer

Echomentum Inactive Administrator
IAMAYLACAT Inactive Moderator
tamunia Retired Moderator
CrimshonShine Active Ex-Moderator

Legacy Developer

H3ckc Active Developer
atank1 (Vodkra) Active Developer (Security)